Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I hadn't even noticed this til a couple minutes ago.

A - ATTACHED OR SINGLE: Single and lovin it (Oh P.S. for any very attractive girls that are reading this then you should send me an e-mail with a name, number, and pic and we'll see if we can work something out.)
B - BEST FRIEND: It has to be one of the guys from the neighborhood posse
C - CAKE OR PIE: I'm going to go with... cheesecake
D - DAY OF CHOICE: I'm going to have to go with Friday (especially late start ones)
E - ESSENTIAL ITEM: the 2 things i can't live w/o now. My car and my phone
F - FAVORITE COLOR: green and yellow (bright bright yellow)
G - GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Who accomplishes things? No it's probably being math student of the year at FJH in 9th grade
H - HOMETOWN: Farmington, UT
I - INDULGENCES: basically all forms of competition, music, and smoothies :)
J - JANUARY OR JULY: I'm going to go with July but I love January too
K - KIDS: might come later in my life
L - LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT: my family, my friends, and girls
M - MARRIAGE DATE: Somewhere between January 1st and December 31st of the year 20__
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 4. Jessica, Shay, Jamie, and David
O - ORANGES OR APPLES: Most definitely oranges
P - PHOBIAS OR FEARS: everyone knows i'm afraid of heights. oh and that one on josh's about driving, crashing, and a friend dying
Q - QUOTES: "Can't live with 'em, can't live with out 'em." (This definitely applys to girls so you all know. I even had a girl agree with me and Josh when we said that.) "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
S - SEASON: easily spring
T - TAG SOME FRIENDS: um... has connor been tagged yet? oh and nick
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I am a never nude. jk i think you all know basically everything there is to about me. (Oh and to understand that joke better you have to watch the show Arrested Development.)
V - VERY FAVORITE STORE: Hollister is a good one or Aeropostale
W - WORST HABIT: All of my habits are good...
X - WENDY'S OR MCDONALD'S(sorry, not much goes with x's): Wendy's mainly cuz of Frosty's
Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: mashed potatoes and gravy... mmmmmmm
Z - ZODIAC: cancer


Superman Survivor said...

Your last comment made me chuckle. Gotta love smoothies. Oh and I guess I didn't see that arrested development episode with you cuz I didn't recognize that line. I can't remember though. You'll have to show me.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Missionary said...

You are never nude??? Dude you shower with your cloathes on? Wear the same underware all your life? I now see what BYU football does to you.

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