Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I hadn't even noticed this til a couple minutes ago.

A - ATTACHED OR SINGLE: Single and lovin it (Oh P.S. for any very attractive girls that are reading this then you should send me an e-mail with a name, number, and pic and we'll see if we can work something out.)
B - BEST FRIEND: It has to be one of the guys from the neighborhood posse
C - CAKE OR PIE: I'm going to go with... cheesecake
D - DAY OF CHOICE: I'm going to have to go with Friday (especially late start ones)
E - ESSENTIAL ITEM: the 2 things i can't live w/o now. My car and my phone
F - FAVORITE COLOR: green and yellow (bright bright yellow)
G - GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Who accomplishes things? No it's probably being math student of the year at FJH in 9th grade
H - HOMETOWN: Farmington, UT
I - INDULGENCES: basically all forms of competition, music, and smoothies :)
J - JANUARY OR JULY: I'm going to go with July but I love January too
K - KIDS: might come later in my life
L - LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT: my family, my friends, and girls
M - MARRIAGE DATE: Somewhere between January 1st and December 31st of the year 20__
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 4. Jessica, Shay, Jamie, and David
O - ORANGES OR APPLES: Most definitely oranges
P - PHOBIAS OR FEARS: everyone knows i'm afraid of heights. oh and that one on josh's about driving, crashing, and a friend dying
Q - QUOTES: "Can't live with 'em, can't live with out 'em." (This definitely applys to girls so you all know. I even had a girl agree with me and Josh when we said that.) "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
S - SEASON: easily spring
T - TAG SOME FRIENDS: um... has connor been tagged yet? oh and nick
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I am a never nude. jk i think you all know basically everything there is to about me. (Oh and to understand that joke better you have to watch the show Arrested Development.)
V - VERY FAVORITE STORE: Hollister is a good one or Aeropostale
W - WORST HABIT: All of my habits are good...
X - WENDY'S OR MCDONALD'S(sorry, not much goes with x's): Wendy's mainly cuz of Frosty's
Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: mashed potatoes and gravy... mmmmmmm
Z - ZODIAC: cancer

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I decided to take the idea from Caitlin and post about my schedule. Which I would like all of you to note how freakin' horrible my A days are! Oh and you should all tell me any classes that we have together.

1st- AP Calculus BC (Burningham)

2nd- AP Biology (Crook)

3rd- Honors English (Smith)

4th- AP American History (Jones)

5th- Accounting 3 (Iosefa)

6th- Lifetime Activities (Salvo)

7th- Calculus Lab (Burningham)

8th- Seminary (Unknown)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


EFY was a blast! All of you that have been there know how it goes. So I just have a little video that I wanted to show you all so here it is.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Long Gone

I would just like to mention a few of the things that have been in my life that I have missed but have moved on with recently (a couple I still miss) or that I never had but it's kinda late now.

  1. Tanner- The poor kid has been grounded all summer. I miss that boy! He has basically disappeared from my life.
  2. My iPod- Oh the joy that little device brought into my life while mowing the lawn and staying up late was amazing! But I haven't seen it since trek and I've looked hard a few times and no luck.
  3. 16th B-day Bash- Why didn't I throw one of these? There was a lot of confusion during this time and lots of people were gone but oh well.
  4. Chicken Enchiladas- This one is just cuz I can smell them cooking in the kitchen. Mmm mmm good.
  5. Money- That's why I've been applying for jobs. We'll see if I get any of them

That's all I can think of right now but keep checking in case I think of more.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Facts (and Recent Stuff)

Well this post will be just some random little facts, laws and some stuff that has recently happened to me.

  • 1 in 3 Caucasians get skin cancer in their life time
  • If you feed hens certain dyes they can lay eggs with different colors of yolks
  • Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  • I got a 5 on the AP Test for AP Euro
  • When the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers play football at home to a sellout crowd, the stadium becomes the state's third largest city.
  • An albatross can sleep while it flies
  • In Baltimore, Maryland, it is not legal to take a lion to the movies.
  • I got my drivers license almost a week ago
  • It's illegal to fish from horseback in Utah
  • The entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned from Texas
  • In Nevada, it's illegal to drive a camel on the highway
  • In Alaska, it is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane
  • A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting in New York
  • Also in New York, it is illegal to throw a ball at someone's head for fun
  • Once again New York, the penalty for jumping off a building is death
  • You cannot sing in the bathtub if you live in Pennsylvania
  • In Alabama, you can't drive barefoot, play dominoes on Sunday, or flick boogers into the wind.
  • You can hang someone in Nevada if they shoot your dog on your property
  • In Wyoming, women can't stand within 5 feet of the bar when drinking
  • In Minnesota, it is illegal to sleep naked, cross state lines with a duck on your head, drive a motorcycle without a shirt on, or have a bathtub w/o feet
  • Finally, it is illegal for a girl to do her own hair w/o being licensed by the state, in Oklahoma.

K so this one ended up basically being dumb laws that some states have with a couple other things on the side but that doesn't matter too much.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


K so for my mutual tonight we were supposed to start writing in our journals for 3 months if we haven't been. Well this gave me an opportunity to look through my 7th grade journal and 8th/9th grade journal. I realized that I have really changed a lot over the last 4 years. My friends haven't really changed too much but I was really weird in Jr. High. Most of you know I have absolutely no artistic talent but for some reason I had a thing with drawing pictures in my journal and they're really good for me. Most of my entries have some connection to somebody I don't ever even talk to and never really did. I can't believe how big of an idiot I was in Jr. High but I have gotten past that. It's really interesting to see how much I've changed and how much I can actually remember about these events I recorded.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Party Time!

The end of the school year is a glorious thing and with that wonderful thing comes parties! Not only do I have end of the school year parties but I have bunches of friends that have birthdays right after the school year ends! Well I guess I've only been to 3 since summer started but still thats not TOO shabby.


Fiesta numero uno: Go away party for Connor Hinckley :'( Funny guy and he will be remembered. He's stuck in Wyoming right now though but he will get to Texas soon enough. Plus, he's visiting Tuesday! Fun except for I left the party rather pissed for undisclosed reasons.

Fiesta numero dos: Well technically this was a BBQ but I really don't care. So there! Sloan planned this I think and I just went and took pictures of hot dogs, watched my girlfriend fall in the river(after I told her not to try to cross the log... I told her she would fall in), and wrote secret messages in the volleyball court sand. Basically this was pretty fun.

Fiesta numero tres: Party for Austin Shin. Austin Shin- hilarious Korean who has been going to Davis and headed back to Korea on Tuesday morning. This was another go away party :'( But on the bright side, I saw a bunch of my Davis friends and was able to recover long lost phone numbers. The only problem with this party is that I had to relive the horrors of a few people who drove me nuts in junior high. Of course, I have to put up with Creager a lot more than that so I shouldn't complain because he is worse than they are.

Well parties are fun. Invite me to yours if you have one. Oh and I got invited to the goodbye party of the German kid, Tobi. Don't think I'm going though because I haven't said a word to the kid all year. I guess I could be a party crasher or just go get some free food but I'm not a big enough loser to do that. I have my own friends to hang out with... Lets just hope that I'm not the only one that didn't know Tobi. (I knew who he was but nothing about him)

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Summer time has finally arrived and you all know what that means? Well I am currently coming up with a list in my head that will be posted on here in like 2 minutes.


1. School (lack there of)- the thing that has controlled most of our lives for the last 9 months is gone for almost 3 months! We are free to party!

2. 16th Birthday- For me this means being allowed to officially date... Oops on the Christmas Dance. Driving... that has to wait til September for me :'(

3. Bear Lake- Oh the joys of my cabin paradise. I love going up there and just relaxing. Hanging with the fam and going wakeboarding (even though I pretty much suck) is a blast!

4. Friends- K so I hung out with them a lot during the school year but now it will be like that times 10!

5. Work- Until I get a job it will probably be unpaid and around my house, but hopefully I can get a job ASAP after trek

6. Trek- Should be a wonderful experience but the downside is that it is over my birthday.

7. Baby Info- For all of you that didn't know this, my sister Shay is having twins in (most likely) November. Also high on the list... finding out whether they will be my nieces, nephews, or one of each. Info will come on my birthday! But I won't find out til the 28th

8. Sleep- Wonderful thing! I've already got a good start on this, I've slept in past 11 everyday of the summer. So far the record is 12:35 and hopefully it goes later. Oh and staying up WAY late!

9. Calciatore- Though earlier reports showed otherwise, my old soccer team is going to stay together. I loved playing with Josh and his team but I've been playing on this other team since about 3rd grade so it will be nice going back.

Fine list right? Well it will be fun seeing how many of you can pronounce #9. I would like to get feedback though.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weekends Have Not Been My Thing

So last weekend I didn't have a great weekend. It started with the AP Test (thank goodness thats over!), then Saturday wasn't bad until I found out that one kid on my soccer team bruised his spleen and another kid dislocated his shoulder, followed by masses of drama that went throughout the day on Sunday. This weekend was pretty fun except the fact that yesterday I busted my phone, was kinda depressed, and hurt my manhood wakeboarding. Now today all I've done is mowed my lawn and played in a soccer game that we lost in. I scored our only goal and had another goal that went in but the ref said it didn't and we lost 2-1! Now I'm at home and I think that my parents are rather frustrated with me and I don't think that I'm going to be allowed to hang out with people tonight because of that.

Friday, May 9, 2008

AP Euro is Over! (well basically)

Today I took the AP European History Exam. It was long, mentally draining, and sucked. Overall, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience though. Who am I kidding? I didn't like being shut up in a church taking a test from 11:30-3:30. The best part about taking this test though is that the rest of the year in that class should be a breeze. I just better pass to make sure that I get a good grade this term. (Oh and college credit would be nice) Well anyway, the test is over and I think I did pretty good on it. Now I just have to wait til the 3rd freakin week of July to find out!